LIGHTAUTO NEXT 00 Please login to vote. Sign In PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS IS KEEPING A BEARD FARDH ( COMPULSORY ) FOR A MUSLIM MAN? Killing an ant or any living creature is wrong. Why do Muslims then have Non-Veg. food? IS IT A SUNNAH TO COVER THE HEAD FOR A MUSLIM MAN? Does Hugging and Kissing your wife is Allowed while Fasting? Is it Permissible to Use Credit Card? is celebrating birth days allowed in islam All About Worship The reason to fast How to make up your missed fasts Objectives of the Shariah regarding wealth is celebrating birth days allowed in islam 0% 105 Views 0 Likes Fiqh In this video Dr Zakir Naik 36 VIDEOS (Visited 105 times, 1 visits today) Show more 04:01 PREV Is it Permissible to Use Credit Card? November 5, 2020 22:15 NEXT All About Worship December 29, 2020 You Might Be Interested In 00:30 Ruling on praying at the time of Athan? April 9, 2021 02:59 Important: one who dies and doesn’t make up Ramadan fasts? April 9, 2021 00:36 Should women say ‘Ameen’ loud in congregational prayer April 9, 2021